InStride helps organizational leaders deliver exceptional, mission-aligned results. We are committed to your success.
InStride Advisors helps nonprofit organizations address challenges, grow strategically, meaningfully engage their teams, and manage change with confidence.
Organizations manage change through leadership transitions and organizational pivots through balanced perspective, thoughtful planning, and solid execution. InStride can help you determine what road to take, where the bumps in the road might be, and how to navigate strategically through to calmer waters.
ALL SERVICESStrategy development is an active process. Our customized strategic planning processes fully engage your organization - from board, to leadership and staff, as well as the communities you serve.
ALL SERVICESA well-run organization can do great things, but it's important to understand what's working well and why, and what's not and why not! Whether you want to refine program delivery methods, create a communication plan, or nurture a stronger organizational culture, InStride can help you identify where the greatest opportunities for improvement may lie, and provide expertise and coaching to help you move your organization forward!
ALL SERVICESOrganizations are at their strongest when they prioritize time and resources for their teams to regularly learn, reflect, and plan. Leaders often find value in a consulting partner who can quickly acclimate, generate trust, and design gatherings and learning models that will help them meet their goals and the unique needs of their teams. InStride is a trusted and discrete partner for executive coaching services for board and staff leaders, and a skilled and creative facilitator for staff and board gatherings.
ALL SERVICESThrough InStride, we employ a partnership strategy with organizational leaders to identify the right opportunities for growth and develop the strategy to get there, and we work collaboratively with leaders to position them – and their organizations – for success.